GeoSciEd IX 2022

21-24 August 2022
Shimane, Japan
Geoscience Education for Sustainability
How many students disbelieve in plate tectonics, who are majoring in the Training Program for Elementary School Teachers as undergraduate
S. Tojo
What should science education learn from the heavy rain
in July in Japan and what sould be improved?
-Relationship between science education and heavy rain disasters-
Hiroyuki Yamashita
Online classes on various topics enforced by the COVID-19 pandemic -a introduction of geological sights in Japan-
Jiro Komori
Radiation Learning Materials Using Natural Radioisotopes Contained in Mineral and Hot Springs
Takeshi Yada,
Ichiro Matsumoto
Reusing a notebook as an occasion to raise
awareness about sustainability in a democratic way
Th. N. Korou
Rock identification practice using a rock garden and rock teaching materials
Naoko Domon,
Yukiko Ohtomo
Rock gardens in elementary and junior high school in Japan: evaluation of the current status and examples of utilization
Yukiko Ohtomo
Preparation of Rock Thin Sections and Polarized Light Observation in A Middle School class
Yuichi Naoki and Yoshio Okamoto
Development and Practices of Geoscience STEAM /SDGs Teaching Materials Utilising the Geology and Culture of Japan; Examples of Teaching Materials for Schools and Museums
Tomohiro Takebayashi, Yoshisuke Kumano
A report of trial classes on diurnal and annual
motions of stars at junior-high school using a self-
made portable planetarium
H. Nakanishi,
Y. Yazaki,
H. Shimoda,
Y. Sakakibara
Posters created with PowerPoint should be submitted by the deadline (31st July) to the following e-mail address, either as a direct attachment to the e-mail or, if the file size is large, by using a file transfer service.
File Transfer Services: https://www.filemail.com
Sending e-mail address: geoscied9@gmail.com